Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The Glen & The Horror

Shane had his Glen Open Heart surgery on May 1'st. After 3 hours in the OR we finally had word from the surgeon. He pulled through, and the operation was a success! It was a good operation other than his pulminary artery Y's out closer to the heart than it should, so we will need to watch lung pressures. If his lung pressures get too high we will need YET another open heart surgery, however the medical staff don't feel this will be an issue.  His oxygen levels were low when he got to recovery, but quickly bounced back up to his normal. Everything was going good, a successful major open heart surgery, levels returning to normal & a comfortably sedated little guy (so he couldn't yank out his tubes). We were told the next 24 hours would be absolutely critical to his recovery. Shane had a good night, BP & Heart rate were good, so they extubated him. He cried so loud the entire ward heard him - good news to us, his vocal chords are still strong! With that, we got ready for the day & headed over to the Stollery.

Things quickly took a turn for the worst this afternoon. Shane has gone into severe respiratory arrest, He became even puffier (swollen) than usual & his heart rate as well as blood pressure were VERY high. Medical staff acted immediately, our son has been put on a C-pap to make breathing easier & dialysis was started right away to hopefully remove the puffiness, if the dialysis doesn't work he will need to be reintubated to drain the fluids.

Within a few hours we started seeing improvements. The C-pap has been working amazing for him, his numbers were getting lower. Heart rate around 174 & Blood Pressure in the 120's. He does have a collapsed lung as well now, but hopefully the Cpap will sort things out and start to improve his breathing for him. We pray the dialysis starts to work & take some of the fluid off.

It will be a finicky night trying to get everything sorted out. Although there have been complications, we feel peace in our decision. A few short weeks ago our son was supposed to die, we were told to start preparing or at least thinking of his funeral arrangements, and now here we are talking about the success of the Glen! Shane has once again shown everyone his life is in gods hands. What a strong, brave, beautiful little boy we have been blessed with!